Danpaati River Lodge

Social responsibility

What you may have heard, is that besides being a beautiful destination in
the Amazon of Suriname, Danpaati River Lodge is also invested, with help from our guests, in
local projects evolving the environment of the village from which the Island originates.
At the moment there are 3 day-cares and a media library, named “Paati Koni”, which means
“spread the knowledge”. The children can read books, play games and participate in workshops
at the library. This helps to stimulate their educational development.

With your stay at Danpaati River Lodge you’re actually helping with the regional development of
nature and economy. We have a large healthcare project for the older people and the
children. Danpaati also buys all of their fish, meats and agricultural products locally.

Do you have artistic talents? Perhaps drawing, music, acting, literature or
dancing? We welcome you to give a voluntary workshop!


Media-center in the village Dan