Danpaati River Lodge

Become a friend!

Become a friend!

By becoming a friend of Danpaati, we will keep you updated on everything new regarding the Lodge, via a digital newsletter. More importantly, by becoming a friend, you support the development of the projects in and around the Lodge. This happens through the healthcare- and the childcare-project and the educational activities that have been made available in this area. There are several other projects in development, especially to help children further educate themselves in order to open new doors for a better future. Most of the projects are sponsored by numerous investors. Here are a few of our upcoming plans for the Danpaati River Lodge:

  • Creating consciousness about waste and pollution and setting op a waste-management system
  • Introducing solar-energy
  • Reducing illiteracy in the village
  • Expanding the media-centers in the village


Every year, we choose one or more projects that are going to be established. You will be updated via a digital newsletter. These projects are chosen in close collaboration with the local community and our committee of recommendations.

By becoming a friend you will get discounts up to a free stay at Danpaati River Lodge, depending on your contribution.

With the help from our friends, we have already met several of our goals, including:

  • The opening of media-center ‘Paati Koni’ in the village, Dan
  • The opening of several child-care centers in the villages around Dan
  • The establishment of a healthcare project for the elderly


For questions and information on becoming a friend please contact us at: reservations@danpaati.com.