Danpaati River Lodge

Mediacenter ‘Paati Koni’

Thanks to our sponsors, we were able to open the mediacenter ‘Paati Kooni’ in the village Dan, just across Danpaati River Lodge in 2014.


Education is not something typical in the Upper-Suriname area. Libraries and media-centers are especially rare in this region. These children do not have books to read nor games to play. By building a media-center, we have achieved something great for the children, who are very happy to have their very own place to learn and spend their spare time in. The media-center also has a podium and we are always looking for people to give little shows or provide workshops. Do you play an instrument? Do you sing, write poems or paint? Please let us know! We could arrange a workshop in the village so that the children can benefit from your talents!

1978906_586226828170073_6580557923466338818_nIn December 2014 we had professional film-maker, Mirjam Marks staying at the Danpaati River Lodge. She taught the children about the process of film-making. They then used that knowledge to make their very own short films, which were presented to the other village members in the media-center.

Do you have old children’s books or games?
You are more than welcome to donate!

Or become a ‘friend of Danpaati’.